Build your super

  • BUSSQ MySuper 

    Work out what your super account will grow to over time taking into account the superannuation contributions you and/or your employer makes.

    ASIC Moneysmart Superannuation Calculator

  • Premium Choice/Self-employed - BUSSQ

    Work out what your super account will grow to over time taking into account the contributions you and/or your employer makes.

    ASIC Moneysmart Premium Choice/Self-employed Calculator

  • Super contributions optimiser

    Work out which type of super contribution will give your super account the biggest boost and how to make these contributions.

    ASIC Super Contributions Optimiser Calculator

  • Super Forecast

    Work out what retirement income you are likely to have after you retire, how you can increase your retirement income stream and the actions you can take to boost your superannuation.

    ASFA Super Guru calculators

Getting ready for retirement

  • Budgeting
  • Transition to retirement

    Work out how long your superannuation funds will last if you use the Transition to Retirement (TTR) Income account

    A TTR Income account is often used by those who want to move to part time work and supplement the lower income with a superannuation drawdown in the form of a Transition to Retirement (TTR). It is also used for those who want to work full time and boost their superannuation. Click here to book an obligation free financial planning appointment.

    ASIC Moneysmart Superannuation Calculator


  • Income account – BUSSQ

    Work out how long your super funds will last if you use an Income account in retirement.

    An Income account is often used when you’ve finished in the workforce and moved into retirement. This calculator will provide an indication of how long your super funds may last in retirement based on investments returns, fees and desired retirement income. To book an obligation free appointment with a financial planner please click here.

    ASIC Moneysmart Account Based Pension Calculator

  • Retirement Planner

    Work out what income you are likely to have after you retire, how contributions, investment options, fess and retirement age affect your retirement income and how working part time or taking a break from work affects your super balance .

    It takes into account potential Centrelink pension benefits, working out how much you may qualify for. It also allows you to adjust things like investment return and when you will retire, showing the effects of these decisions on your investment capital.

    Retirement Planner Calculator


  • Insurance Needs Calculator

    Work out how much insurance cover you need.

    To find out more about Life Insurance and obtain a quote, contact us on 1800 692 877.

    *Contractors and casual employees need to meet eligibility requirements to apply for Income Protection insurance cover. Please contact BUSSQ directly to discuss. Warning - this policy is not an agreed value policy. At the time of claim you will need to be able to prove your taxable income over the last 12 months.

    Life Insurance Calculator