Update your details and WIN! 

We’re asking you to review and update your contact details because we’ve tried contacting you by either email or post and not been able to get in touch. 

Keeping your contact details up to date is important. 

Your super is likely to be one of your largest investments and if we can’t get in touch with you, you may miss key updates or information you need to know about your super account. 

If you’re over 65 or have an account balance less than $6000 or your account has been inactive for 12 months, keeping your details up to date may also prevent your account from being classified as lost or unclaimed and sent to the ATO*.

Be sure to keep your contact details up to date with your employer too, if you’re currently working.


Review and update your contact details to go in the draw to win one of four $500 eftpos gift cards

You can review and update your details by either:


Competition closes 31 July 2023. Terms and conditions apply.

* A super fund must report and pay your lost or unclaimed super to the ATO, in certain circumstances, eg. if you are aged 65 years or over, haven't made a contribution for the past 2 years and your fund has been unable to contact you for 5 years; or you are a lost member whose account balance is less than $6,000; or you are a lost member whose account has been inactive for 12 months and your fund doesn’t have the information needed to make a payment to you.