Aware by CancerAid

We care about your health and want to help you remain aware of ways to feel your best. That’s why we’ve partnered with our insurer Zurich and CancerAid to offer you Aware. 

Aware is a quick two minute questionnaire to help you understand what cancer screening programs might be right for you. Depending on your results, you might be eligible for a free consultation with a GP. Plus the questionnaire provides personalised suggestions, handy tips and resources to help you feel healthier.

Early detection is the best protection.


There are two stages to the Aware program

Stage 1 - Digital questionnaire
Click through the short two minute digital questionnaire to learn more about how to reduce your risk of getting cancer. You will also be asked questions around your cancer screening history, and get personal recommendations around screening. 

If you are overdue for screening guidelines you will be offered the opportunity to book a free telehealth consultation with a General Practitioner (GP) who can help you access screening services.

Stage 2 - Speak with a GP
Speak with a CancerAid affiliated GP who can help talk you through screening and risk factors further as well as help you access these services.


Your privacy is important

No data is shared with BUSSQ or Zurich.

CancerAid do not collect any personal information when you use our Aware questionnaire. All information provided by you when participating in the Aware questionnaire is only utilised to prepare the Aware questionnaire response, and is immediately deleted. In any event, the information collected is not identifiable.1 For more information refer to the Aware webpage and CancerAid’s privacy policy available in the terms and conditions.


Frequently asked questions

  • Who is CancerAid?

    CancerAid’s mission is to empower people and organisations affected by cancer to thrive through expertise, empathy and technology.

    CancerAid is an Australian company founded in 2015 by cancer specialists who saw the challenges their patients went through during their treatment and in survivorship. 

    CancerAid provides people with digital evidence-based tools, personal coaching and educational resources assisting them to better understand their lifestyle habits which may increase cancer risk, adopt positive behavioural changes in relation to cancer screening and be engaged in their own health. 

    Some of Australia’s largest insurers, employers and providers are supported by CancerAid.

  • How does Aware by CancerAid work?

    Aware by CancerAid is a product designed to:

    • Increase uptake of government-funded screening programs (bowel, breast, cervical); and
    • Help people understand what they can do to reduce their risk of getting cancer (i.e. exercise, diet, smoking, skin checks).

    Important to note this product does not prevent cancer, only suggests recommendations to reduce risk and promote screening.  
    It has the following features:

    • An online questionnaire, which gives people some suggestions on how they can reduce their risk, but also identifies the people that have not met recommended screening guidelines for bowel, cervical and breast cancer.
    • For those identified as not having met their screening, we offer them a consultation with a GP - the purpose of that call is to help them learn more about cancer screening, overcome any barriers, and facilitate access to screening.

    What cancers and screening programs are the focus for this program?

    • The digital questionnaire will help all people (regardless of demographic) better understand how to reduce their risk of getting cancer.
    • The GP calls are targeted towards helping customers take up government-funded breast, cervical and bowel cancer screening services (BreastScreen Australia, the National Cervical Screening Program and the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program).
  • Who is eligible?

    All members of BUSSQ.

  • How do I enroll? 
  • Who pays for the service?

    The cost of the program is covered by Zurich. Insurance Cover is provided to eligible BUSSQ members by Zurich Financial Services Australia.

  • Are any data or findings shared with BUSSQ or Zurich?

    This service is anonymous and is designed to be a prompt for participants to get cancer screening checks.

    CancerAid does not capture or store any of the personal information you enter into the questionnaire. 

    CancerAid may collect anonymised and aggregated analytics about the use of Aware, which may be shared with our sponsors and partners (Zurich and BUSSQ), or otherwise used for research and analysis purposes. 

    CancerAid have partnered with SwiftDoc Pty Ltd (ABN 32 616 105 349) (SwiftDoc) to offer Aware participants the opportunity to book an appointment with a registered clinician. CancerAid is not involved in this relationship in any way, and you will be subject to SwiftDoc’s privacy policy and terms of service. CancerAid do not share any information or results from your Aware questionnaire response with SwiftDoc. 

  • What if a medical concern is found?

    Any clinical concerns should be discussed with your GP. If you require immediate medical attention, contact your treating clinician or call 000. Note that if you have received a complimentary telehealth consultation form SwiftDoc, it is your responsibility to ascertain any costs involved in accessing additional services from SwiftDoc.

    Detecting cancer early, even before any symptoms appear, is the best protection and chance for cure. Of course, if anything is detected, we are here to support you and protect the life you love. Please contact BUSSQ on 1800 692 877 to check your eligibility to make a claim.

1. This statement is from CancerAid’s webpage and is reproduced with their consent. CancerAid is responsible for the Aware questionnaire. 
The Aware program is offered to BUSSQ members by our insurer Zurich Australia Limited (Zurich) (ABN 92 000 010 195, AFSL 232510) and CancerAid Pty Ltd (ABN 75 607 610 257).