Forms and factsheets

Our range of forms and factsheets can help you understand your options and manage your super.
Tax file number declaration
Complete this form if you're under 60 and starting or restarting an Income account so we know how much tax to withhold from your payments.
Transfer from BUSSQ MySuper to Premium Choice
If you want more control over your super investments and insurance you can upgrade to a Premium Choice account.
Join BUSSQ Income account
Complete the form at the back of the PDS to open a BUSSQ Transition to Retirement (TTR) or BUSSQ Retirement Income account.
Employer join
If you want BUSSQ to be the default super fund for you and your employees, join online.
Investment choice Income account
If you have an Income account, use this form to change your investments or you can change them online.
Withdrawing my BUSSQ super
Use this form to withdraw from your MySuper or Premium Choice account, if you're eligible.
Voluntary contribution payment
Complete this form if you want to make an additional contribution to your super from your savings.
Binding death benefit nomination
Nominate who gets your super when you die.
Rolling your super into BUSSQ
Combine your super into one account with BUSSQ. You can also find and combine your super in your online account.
Notice of intent to claim or vary a tax deduction for personal super contributions
Use this form to either claim an income tax deduction for personal (after tax) contributions made to BUSSQ or to reduce the amount of a previous notice of intent.
Application to change your insurance
Increase, decrease, change or cancel your insurance. You can also make changes to your insurance in your online account.
Pay employee contributions
As an employer you can pay employee contributions through your online account.
Join BUSSQ Premium Choice
Complete the form at the back of the PDS to open a BUSSQ Premium Choice account or you can join online.
Investment choice Premium Choice account
If you have a Premium Choice account, use this form to change your investments or you can change them online. If you have a MySuper account, you must transfer to a Premium Choice account to change your investments.
Income account withdrawal
Withdraw money from your Income account (on top of your regular payments).
Direct debit request
Use this form to make voluntary contributions to your super account via direct debit.
Advice fee deduction authority
Provide written consent to have the fee for financial advice deducted from your BUSSQ account.
Early release of benefit application – Compassionate grounds
Complete this form if the ATO has approved you to withdraw from your super early on compassionate grounds.
Additional contributions to BUSSQ super
Talk to your employer if you want to put extra money into super directly from your pay, then give them this completed form.
Authority to release information
Give a personal (e.g. spouse, parent, carer) or financial representative authority to access your account information.
Tax file number notification
Provide us with your Tax File Number (TFN) so we can accept contributions to your account.
Application to change occupational classification
Your occupational classification or category determines what cover you're eligible for and the amount you pay in insurance premiums.
Transfer of cover from another fund
Apply to transfer insurance cover from another super fund into your BUSSQ account. You can also apply online.
Employer refund request form
Complete this form to request a refund of contributions made in error for a member.
Join BUSSQ MySuper
Complete the form at the back of the PDS to open a BUSSQ MySuper account or you can join online.
Child Income account join form
Complete the forms at the back of the PDS to open a BUSSQ Child Income account with an eligible death benefit.
Superannuation standard choice form and Letter of compliance (combined)
Use this form to tell your employer which super fund to pay your super into.
Early release of benefit application – Financial hardship
Apply to access your super early due to financial hardship.
Change of membership details
Use this form to change your contact details or address. You can also update your details in your online account.
Member contribution splitting application
Transfer eligible super contributions from your account into your spouse's account.
Make an insurance claim
If you think you might need to make an insurance claim, call us on 1800 692 877 and we'll help you get the process started as quickly as possible.
Opt in to default insurance cover
If you’re a BUSSQ Non-manual Member, you can choose to get default cover before you meet certain eligibility criteria, by filling out this form.
Income account change of details
Complete this form to update your Income account payment frequency, amount or bank details.
Spouse member contribution
Contribute to your spouse's BUSSQ super account.
Binding death benefit nomination to a Child Income account
Nominate to turn your super into an income for your dependant children when you die.
Lump sum withdrawal application Child Income account
Withdraw money from a Child Income account (on top of your regular payments).
Limited cover conversion application
Apply to convert your Limited Cover to Standard Cover.
Referee verification of identify statement
Use this form if you do not hold the required government issued identification documents and need to provide a referee statement to verify your identity.
Life events increase
Apply to increase your insurance cover for certain specific life events, without providing any medical evidence. You can also apply online.
Application to reinstate your insurance cover
Application to reinstate your insurance cover cancelled on or after 1 July 2019 due to government legislation.
BUSSQ Letter of Compliance
This letter certifies that BUSSQ is a Resident Regulated Superannuation Fund. If you are wanting your employer to make your super contributions to BUSSQ, give them this letter and your completed Superannuation standard choice form.
Withdrawing my BUSSQ super
Use this form to withdraw from your MySuper or Premium Choice account, if you're eligible.
Income account withdrawal
Withdraw money from your Income account (on top of your regular payments).
Early release of benefit application – Compassionate grounds
Complete this form if the ATO has approved you to withdraw from your super early on compassionate grounds.
Early release of benefit application – Financial hardship
Apply to access your super early due to financial hardship.
Income account change of details
Complete this form to update your Income account payment frequency, amount or bank details.
Lump sum withdrawal application Child Income account
Withdraw money from a Child Income account (on top of your regular payments).
Referee verification of identify statement
Use this form if you do not hold the required government issued identification documents and need to provide a referee statement to verify your identity.
Voluntary contribution payment
Complete this form if you want to make an additional contribution to your super from your savings.
Rolling your super into BUSSQ
Combine your super into one account with BUSSQ. You can also find and combine your super in your online account.
Notice of intent to claim or vary a tax deduction for personal super contributions
Use this form to either claim an income tax deduction for personal (after tax) contributions made to BUSSQ or to reduce the amount of a previous notice of intent.
Direct debit request
Use this form to make voluntary contributions to your super account via direct debit.
Additional contributions to BUSSQ super
Talk to your employer if you want to put extra money into super directly from your pay, then give them this completed form.
Tax file number notification
Provide us with your Tax File Number (TFN) so we can accept contributions to your account.
Member contribution splitting application
Transfer eligible super contributions from your account into your spouse's account.
Spouse member contribution
Contribute to your spouse's BUSSQ super account.
BUSSQ Letter of Compliance
This letter certifies that BUSSQ is a Resident Regulated Superannuation Fund. If you are wanting your employer to make your super contributions to BUSSQ, give them this letter and your completed Superannuation standard choice form.
Binding death benefit nomination
Nominate who gets your super when you die.
Application to change your insurance
Increase, decrease, change or cancel your insurance. You can also make changes to your insurance in your online account.
Application to change occupational classification
Your occupational classification or category determines what cover you're eligible for and the amount you pay in insurance premiums.
Transfer of cover from another fund
Apply to transfer insurance cover from another super fund into your BUSSQ account. You can also apply online.
Make an insurance claim
If you think you might need to make an insurance claim, call us on 1800 692 877 and we'll help you get the process started as quickly as possible.
Opt in to default insurance cover
If you’re a BUSSQ Non-manual Member, you can choose to get default cover before you meet certain eligibility criteria, by filling out this form.
Binding death benefit nomination to a Child Income account
Nominate to turn your super into an income for your dependant children when you die.
Limited cover conversion application
Apply to convert your Limited Cover to Standard Cover.
Life events increase
Apply to increase your insurance cover for certain specific life events, without providing any medical evidence. You can also apply online.
Application to reinstate your insurance cover
Application to reinstate your insurance cover cancelled on or after 1 July 2019 due to government legislation.
Investment choice Income account
If you have an Income account, use this form to change your investments or you can change them online.
Investment choice Premium Choice account
If you have a Premium Choice account, use this form to change your investments or you can change them online. If you have a MySuper account, you must transfer to a Premium Choice account to change your investments.
Tax file number declaration
Complete this form if you're under 60 and starting or restarting an Income account so we know how much tax to withhold from your payments.
Transfer from BUSSQ MySuper to Premium Choice
If you want more control over your super investments and insurance you can upgrade to a Premium Choice account.
Employer join
If you want BUSSQ to be the default super fund for you and your employees, join online.
Rolling your super into BUSSQ
Combine your super into one account with BUSSQ. You can also find and combine your super in your online account.
Superannuation standard choice form and Letter of compliance (combined)
Use this form to tell your employer which super fund to pay your super into.
Member contribution splitting application
Transfer eligible super contributions from your account into your spouse's account.
Transfer from BUSSQ MySuper to Premium Choice
If you want more control over your super investments and insurance you can upgrade to a Premium Choice account.
Join BUSSQ Income account
Complete the form at the back of the PDS to open a BUSSQ Transition to Retirement (TTR) or BUSSQ Retirement Income account.
Employer join
If you want BUSSQ to be the default super fund for you and your employees, join online.
Join BUSSQ Premium Choice
Complete the form at the back of the PDS to open a BUSSQ Premium Choice account or you can join online.
Join BUSSQ MySuper
Complete the form at the back of the PDS to open a BUSSQ MySuper account or you can join online.
Child Income account join form
Complete the forms at the back of the PDS to open a BUSSQ Child Income account with an eligible death benefit.
BUSSQ Letter of Compliance
This letter certifies that BUSSQ is a Resident Regulated Superannuation Fund. If you are wanting your employer to make your super contributions to BUSSQ, give them this letter and your completed Superannuation standard choice form.
Pay employee contributions
As an employer you can pay employee contributions through your online account.
Employer refund request form
Complete this form to request a refund of contributions made in error for a member.
Superannuation standard choice form and Letter of compliance (combined)
Use this form to tell your employer which super fund to pay your super into.
BUSSQ Letter of Compliance
This letter certifies that BUSSQ is a Resident Regulated Superannuation Fund. If you are wanting your employer to make your super contributions to BUSSQ, give them this letter and your completed Superannuation standard choice form.
Tax file number declaration
Complete this form if you're under 60 and starting or restarting an Income account so we know how much tax to withhold from your payments.
Binding death benefit nomination
Nominate who gets your super when you die.
Rolling your super into BUSSQ
Combine your super into one account with BUSSQ. You can also find and combine your super in your online account.
Notice of intent to claim or vary a tax deduction for personal super contributions
Use this form to either claim an income tax deduction for personal (after tax) contributions made to BUSSQ or to reduce the amount of a previous notice of intent.
Pay employee contributions
As an employer you can pay employee contributions through your online account.
Advice fee deduction authority
Provide written consent to have the fee for financial advice deducted from your BUSSQ account.
Authority to release information
Give a personal (e.g. spouse, parent, carer) or financial representative authority to access your account information.
Tax file number notification
Provide us with your Tax File Number (TFN) so we can accept contributions to your account.
Superannuation standard choice form and Letter of compliance (combined)
Use this form to tell your employer which super fund to pay your super into.
Change of membership details
Use this form to change your contact details or address. You can also update your details in your online account.
Make an insurance claim
If you think you might need to make an insurance claim, call us on 1800 692 877 and we'll help you get the process started as quickly as possible.
Income account change of details
Complete this form to update your Income account payment frequency, amount or bank details.
Spouse member contribution
Contribute to your spouse's BUSSQ super account.
Binding death benefit nomination to a Child Income account
Nominate to turn your super into an income for your dependant children when you die.
Referee verification of identify statement
Use this form if you do not hold the required government issued identification documents and need to provide a referee statement to verify your identity.
BUSSQ Letter of Compliance
This letter certifies that BUSSQ is a Resident Regulated Superannuation Fund. If you are wanting your employer to make your super contributions to BUSSQ, give them this letter and your completed Superannuation standard choice form.
After tax contributions
Adding a little extra to your super can make a big difference to your retirement savings. Learn more about the different types of after tax super contributions, the potential benefits and considerations.
Nominating your beneficiaries
Find out more about what happens to your super when you die and how to nominate a beneficiary.
Early release compassionate grounds
You may be able to apply for early release of your super from BUSSQ on compassionate grounds.
Before tax contributions
Adding a little extra to your super can make a big difference to your retirement savings. Learn more about the different types of before tax super contributions, the potential benefits and considerations.
Insurance in super key fact sheet
This factsheet provides a summary of BUSSQ's default insurance cover's key product features.
Early release financial hardship
You may be able to access your super early due to severe financial hardship.
Combine your super
Thinking about rolling your super into one account? Learn about the considerations and benefits of combining your super.
Manage your money in retirement
Learn about your options for managing and accessing your super from age 60 and into retirement.
Protect your child's financial future
Do you know what will happen to your super when you die? You can choose for your death benefit to go to your children, not your ex.
Retire Happy
Here we’ve provided you with some important facts and figures to help you plan your retirement and make the most of it while you’re there, so you can retire happy.
Super made simple for employers
Understand your obligations as an employer when paying super to employees.
Paying super for contractors
Confused about whether or not you need to pay super for contractors? We can help.
Downsizer contributions
If you’re thinking about downsizing your home, you might be able to contribute money from the sale into your super. Find out how the downsizer contributions work and some key things you’ll need to know if you’re wanting to take advantage of it.
Early release compassionate grounds
You may be able to apply for early release of your super from BUSSQ on compassionate grounds.
Early release financial hardship
You may be able to access your super early due to severe financial hardship.
Combine your super
Thinking about rolling your super into one account? Learn about the considerations and benefits of combining your super.
Manage your money in retirement
Learn about your options for managing and accessing your super from age 60 and into retirement.
Retire Happy
Here we’ve provided you with some important facts and figures to help you plan your retirement and make the most of it while you’re there, so you can retire happy.
After tax contributions
Adding a little extra to your super can make a big difference to your retirement savings. Learn more about the different types of after tax super contributions, the potential benefits and considerations.
Before tax contributions
Adding a little extra to your super can make a big difference to your retirement savings. Learn more about the different types of before tax super contributions, the potential benefits and considerations.
Combine your super
Thinking about rolling your super into one account? Learn about the considerations and benefits of combining your super.
Manage your money in retirement
Learn about your options for managing and accessing your super from age 60 and into retirement.
Retire Happy
Here we’ve provided you with some important facts and figures to help you plan your retirement and make the most of it while you’re there, so you can retire happy.
Super made simple for employers
Understand your obligations as an employer when paying super to employees.
Paying super for contractors
Confused about whether or not you need to pay super for contractors? We can help.
Downsizer contributions
If you’re thinking about downsizing your home, you might be able to contribute money from the sale into your super. Find out how the downsizer contributions work and some key things you’ll need to know if you’re wanting to take advantage of it.
Nominating your beneficiaries
Find out more about what happens to your super when you die and how to nominate a beneficiary.
Insurance in super key fact sheet
This factsheet provides a summary of BUSSQ's default insurance cover's key product features.
Protect your child's financial future
Do you know what will happen to your super when you die? You can choose for your death benefit to go to your children, not your ex.
Combine your super
Thinking about rolling your super into one account? Learn about the considerations and benefits of combining your super.
After tax contributions
Adding a little extra to your super can make a big difference to your retirement savings. Learn more about the different types of after tax super contributions, the potential benefits and considerations.
Nominating your beneficiaries
Find out more about what happens to your super when you die and how to nominate a beneficiary.
Early release compassionate grounds
You may be able to apply for early release of your super from BUSSQ on compassionate grounds.
Before tax contributions
Adding a little extra to your super can make a big difference to your retirement savings. Learn more about the different types of before tax super contributions, the potential benefits and considerations.
Early release financial hardship
You may be able to access your super early due to severe financial hardship.
Combine your super
Thinking about rolling your super into one account? Learn about the considerations and benefits of combining your super.
Manage your money in retirement
Learn about your options for managing and accessing your super from age 60 and into retirement.
Protect your child's financial future
Do you know what will happen to your super when you die? You can choose for your death benefit to go to your children, not your ex.
Retire Happy
Here we’ve provided you with some important facts and figures to help you plan your retirement and make the most of it while you’re there, so you can retire happy.
Super made simple for employers
Understand your obligations as an employer when paying super to employees.
Paying super for contractors
Confused about whether or not you need to pay super for contractors? We can help.
Downsizer contributions
If you’re thinking about downsizing your home, you might be able to contribute money from the sale into your super. Find out how the downsizer contributions work and some key things you’ll need to know if you’re wanting to take advantage of it.