Mysuper dashboard

Use the MySuper dashboard to compare the BUSSQ MySuper product with
other MySuper products.
BUSSQ MySuper Product Dashboard
Return Target1
The return target is currently CPI2 plus 2.96% after fees and taxes.
Future returns cannot be guaranteed. This is a prediction.
The 10 year average return is 6.73% as at 30/06/2024.
Comparison between return target and returns4

Level of investment risk5
Medium to High6
Statement of fees & other costs7
$556 per year
Fees and other costs for a member with a $50,000 balance.
Members can also review the annual Member Outcomes Assessment document, which shows how BUSSQ's MySuper and choice products compare to other MySuper and choice products across areas including investment returns, level of investment risk, fees and costs.