Change or cancel cover

Our aim is to provide our members with a safety net of default insurance in their super account and know the importance of having flexible cover, that's easy to change or cancel at any time.
You can apply at any time, to:
- Increase your level of insurance cover
- Reduce your level of insurance cover
- Cancel your insurance cover
- Transfer your insurance cover from another superannuation fund
- Fix your insurance cover to avoid a reducing sum insured as you get older.
How to increase or apply for insurance cover
If you want to increase or fix your cover, or aren't eligible for default cover and want to apply for cover, you can do this in your online account. Alternatively, you can complete the Application to Change or Increase Insurance form and return it to us by email to or post to:
GPO Box 277
How to reduce or cancel your insurance cover
To reduce or cancel your BUSSQ insurance cover you can either:
- Call us on 1800 692 877 and we can action the change for you. Your call will be recorded.
- Complete the Cancel or Reduce Insurance form. Call us if you would like us to post you a copy. Return your completed form by email to or post to:
GPO Box 277
If you choose to reduce your insurance cover, the minimum amount of cover you must have under the BUSSQ product is one unit of cover.
For more information on the levels of insurance cover at each age group, please refer to the Insurance Handbook.