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Document | Description |
Find a BUSSQ PDS or TMD | Learn about our different super and income account products by reading the Product Disclosure Statements (PDS). To understand how some of our products are designed, read the Target Market Determinations (TMD). |
Find a BUSSQ Form or Factsheet | Our range of forms and factsheets can help you understand your options and manage your super. |
Withdrawing My BUSSQ Super (PDF) | Use this form to withdraw from your MySuper or Premium Choice account, if you're eligible. |
Income Account Withdrawal (PDF) | Use this form to withdraw money from your Income account (on top of your regular payments). |
Premium Choice (PDF) | Learn how our BUSSQ Premium Choice account works before opening an account or making changes. |
BUSSQ Insurance Handbook (PDF) | Understand the insurance available for eligible members in our MySuper and Premium Choice super accounts. |
Standard Choice Form and Letter of Compliance (PDF) | Use this form to tell your employer which super fund to pay your super into. |
MySuper PDS (PDF) | Learn how our BUSSQ MySuper account works before opening an account or making changes. |
Financial Services Guide (FSG) (PDF) | The purpose of this FSG is to help you decide whether to use the financial services offered by the Trustee and its representatives. |
Craig Chalmers - Financial Services Guide (FSG) (PDF) | The purpose of this FSG is to help you decide whether to use the financial services offered by the Trustee and its representatives. |
Elise Marcus - Financial Services Guide (FSG) (PDF) | The purpose of this FSG is to help you decide whether to use the financial services offered by the Trustee and its representatives. |
Notice of Intent (PDF) | Use this form to either claim an income tax deduction for personal (after tax) contributions made to BUSSQ or to reduce the amount of a previous notice of intent. |
Binding death benefit nomination form (PDF) | Nominate who gets your super when you die. |
Employer Compliance Letter (PDF) | This letter certifies that BUSSQ is a Resident Regulated Superannuation Fund. If you are wanting your employer to make your super contributions to BUSSQ, give them this letter and your completed Superannuation standard choice form. |
Direct Debit Request (PDF) | Use this form to make voluntary contributions to your super account via direct debit. |
Application to Reinstate Your Insurance Cover (PDF) | Application to reinstate your insurance cover cancelled on or after 1 July 2019 due to government legislation. |
Employer Refund Request (PDF) | Complete this form to request a refund of contributions made in error for a member. |
Authority to Release Information (PDF) | Give a personal (e.g. spouse, parent, carer) or financial representative authority to access your account information. |
Change of Member Details - Super Account (PDF) | Use this form to change your contact details or address. You can also update your details in your online account. |
Insurance Transfer Form (PDF) | Apply to transfer insurance cover from another super fund into your BUSSQ account. You can also apply online. |
Application to Change Your Insurance (PDF) | Increase, decrease, change or cancel your insurance. You can also make changes to your insurance in your online account. |