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chocolate cake comparison

Do you know how to compare super funds?

At the moment in Australia, many employees just go with their employer's default super fund when they start at a new workplace.

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Older man and younger woman having a work meeting both are smiling.

What we know about older working Australians

Whether by necessity or choice, a growing number of Australians are working beyond what we have traditionally thought of as “retirement age”.

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Two happy retirees in a convertible car, having fun driving in the sunshine

Plan for a retirement, not just an Age Pension

The Age Pension is intended to be a safety net provided by the government to support Australians who can’t sustain their retirement years alone. It is paid to people who meet age and residency requirements and is designed to be targeted, through a means test, to those who need it most.

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Legs, feet and clasped hands of person sitting on carpeted steps of a funeral home and pew seats in the background.

It's time to get real about death

Nobody likes talking about it. Just thinking about it can give you serious chills. If you bring it up around old people, everyone glares at you until you stop. No, we’re not talking about a reality TV family, religion, or the price of porridge and Metamucil these days. We’re talking about death. Specifically funerals.

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Hand putting clock that looks like a coin into a piggy bank

How much super should you have for retirement?

How much superannuation should I have? Will I have enough to retire? These are questions which we’ve all likely considered. The answer, like many things, is it depends.

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3 lessons to learn before you make retirement plans

Imagining your retirement can be exciting, even if it’s a long way away. Who doesn’t want more time to pursue hobbies, travel, and spend time with friends and family?! If you’re in the know, you’re already aware – it’s important to have a plan if you want to hit those retirement goals. What you might not realise is that your plans need a bit of risk management built in if you’re going to get there.

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Will your retirement budget be champagne or beer?

Did you know that compulsory superannuation was only introduced in 1992? Whilst it was all the way back in the last century, it’s only been 32 years!

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Bar graph of the market

2023-24 Investment market update

BUSSQ's investment market update for the 2023-24 financial year.

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Bar graph of the market

Investment market update

BUSSQ's investment update to 31 March 2024.

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